Cervical Spine Osteomyelitis After Direct Rigid Laryngoscopy and Balloon Dilation

Cervical Spine Osteomyelitis After Direct Rigid Laryngoscopy and Balloon Dilation


  • Abdullah Alanazi Otolaryngology -head andneck surgery department,NYU langone medical center, New York, NY,USA. https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3139-8026
  • Adam Kravietz Otolaryngology -head and neck surgery department, NYU langone medical center, New York, NY,USA. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7445-6532
  • Milan Amin Otolaryngology -head andneck surgery department,NYU langone medical center, New York, NY,USA.


Direct rigid laryngoscopy (DRL) is a diagnostic tool used to visualize the larynx, pharynx or upper esophagus . DRL is considered a relatively well tolerated and safe procedure in Otolaryngology practice, however soft tissue injury to the oral cavity or upper aerodigestive tract are possible complications of the procedure. Tongue injury is the most common type of soft tissue trauma (36.3%), followed by lower lip injury (22.3%), upper lip injury (7.1%), and oral mucosa injury (2.1%) (1). Here, we report on a patient who underwent DRL, had osteomyelitis of the cervical spine after the procedure, and subsequently required cervical spine surgery.


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How to Cite

Cervical Spine Osteomyelitis After Direct Rigid Laryngoscopy and Balloon Dilation. Journal of Otolaryngology and Rhinology Research [Internet]. 2022 Aug. 15 [cited 2024 Sep. 19];3(03):93-101. Available from: http://jorr.info/index.php/jorr/article/view/53