Common Drug Interactions in ENT: A Review of Antibiotics in Sinusitis

Common Drug Interactions in ENT: A Review of Antibiotics in Sinusitis


  • Zachary L. Upchurch, M.D. Division of Otorhinolaryngology, University of Florida Medical School, Jacksonville, Florida
  • Robert M. Rodriguez, M.D. MS Division of Otorhinolaryngology, University of Florida Medical School, Jacksonville, Florida
  • Lauren Bensel, Pharm. D. Department of Pharmacotherapy and Translational Research University of Florida College of Pharmacy, Jacksonville, Florida
  • Eric F. Egelund, Ph.D., Pharm. D. Department of Pharmacotherapy and Translational Research University of Florida College of Pharmacy, Jacksonville, Florida
  • William Bolger* Division of Otorhinolaryngology, University of Florida Medical School, Jacksonville, Florida



Present day medical treatment often involves a polytherapeutic approach whereby patients receive several medications from multiple physicians, thereby risking adverse drug interactions.  Checking for possible drug interactions in a busy clinical setting poses a challenge due to the time pressures of modern medical practice.  Otolaryngologists and rhinology sub-specialists receive very little education in drug interactions, and easy to use reference materials are not readily available in most ENT offices.  In this manuscript, we review potential drug interactions for one of the most commonly prescribed classes of medication that ENT specialists prescribe, antibiotics.  We provide a practical reference for general otolaryngologists and rhinologists to utilize in their busy modern day clinical practices.

Drug interactions for commonly prescribed antibiotics in ENT/rhinology practice were identified using PubMed and Cochrane Library database to search for articles published from inception until December 31, 2022.  Full-text articles were reviewed to identify drug combinations that present risk and to identify specific management recommendations to reduce potential harm.

Numerous drug-drug interactions exist between antibiotics and other commonly prescribed medications. These interactions can potentially lead to the development of toxic levels of a drug and harm.   We provide an easily accessible summary of these interactions and management considerations that would allow ENTs/rhinologists to screen for these potential sources of harm in their busy clinical practices.


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How to Cite

Common Drug Interactions in ENT: A Review of Antibiotics in Sinusitis. Journal of Otolaryngology and Rhinology Research [Internet]. 2023 Sep. 20 [cited 2024 Sep. 19];4(03):162-71. Available from: