Giant encephaloceles in adults: case report Literature Review
Encephalocele is herniation of cranial contents through a skull bony defect. Its contents may include the meninges (meningocele), meninges and brain (meningoencephalocele). It is usually seen in pediatric age group. The type of encephalocele may be classified as occipital, parietal, basal, and sincipital or frontoethmoidal. Encephalocele is mainly congenital problem with the overall incidence about 0.8–4/10,000 live births . Although, many cases of encephalocele were reported in adults’ population either due to traumatic, iatrogenic or spontaneous causes. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) rhinorrhea, nasal obstruction, smell loss or recurrent meningitis is the most common symptoms. Here we present two cases of trans ethmoidal meningoencephaloceles managed with endoscopic approach