A Unique Pediatric Case of Myositis Ossificans Circumscripta in the Trapezius
Myositis ossificans (MO) is a focal ossification of soft tissue, most commonly striated muscle. There are various etiologies of MO, including traumatic, genetic, and idiopathic, with presentation typically consisting of a single lesion of heterotopic ossification within striated muscle. Incidence of MO within head and neck musculature is rare, and initial presentation can be difficult to differentiate from other etiologies, representing a significant challenge in appropriate diagnosis and management.
Case Reports
How to Cite
A Unique Pediatric Case of Myositis Ossificans Circumscripta in the Trapezius. Journal of Otolaryngology and Rhinology Research [Internet]. 2023 Jul. 24 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];4(03):148-50. Available from: https://jorr.info/index.php/jorr/article/view/81